Most of you have seen this pattern for sale in my etsy shop so your probably wondering why I'm just giving it away now. Well, I'll tell you why..... 'Cause I've only sold a few and none recently (probably thanks to this economy) and I really want my patterns to be used even if it means I have to put one up for free once in a while.
So please enjoy this free pattern and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTmas!!!

Winter Rose 12" Sampler Square
Finished Size: 12" X 12"
Size “G” hook (or size “F” if you crochet loose)
Approx. 4 ounces worsted weight yarn of choice
Tapestry Needle for weaving in ends.
Gauge:4 Sc and 4 Sc Rows= 1" Square
Special Stitches:
Popcorn: Dc in indicated space 5 times, take hook out of loop and insert into first dc made,then back into the dropped loop. Pull the loop through the first dc.
Shell: (2 dc, ch2, 2 dc) into indicated space.
Front Post Double Crochet (FPDC): Yarn over, insert hook behind post of stitch (insert hook from front to back of stitch), Yarn over, pull through, Yarn over, (pull through 2 loops) 2X’s. That will complete the FPDC.
Front Post Double Crochet Two Together: (This is worked almost completely the same as the FPDC- Around the posts and counts as one Dc) *Yarn over, insert hook behind post of first Dc,(insert hook from front to back of stitch), Yarn over, pull through, Yarn over, pull through 2 loops.* Repeat from * to * in next Dc. You will have 3 loops on hook. Yarn over and pull through all 3 loops on hook. This stitch is worked over the 2 FPDC’s right by each other in Rnd 11. Basically a DC 2 Tog just
around the post of a stitch instead.
Cluster: *Yo, insert hook in st indicated, Yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook; Repeat from * 2 more times, Yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook. Cluster completed.
V st: (dc, ch1, dc) in space indicated in pattern.
Yo: Yarn over.
Note: If you’d like to make the center a different color fasten off yarn at end of Rnd 2 and join your main color in any Ch2 space and start off with Rnd 3 on through the rest of the pattern. Also, it’s possible you might be close to 12" or very close to 12" when you’re a few rows from being done with the pattern. If that’s the case, just omit the last few rows. The design will still hold itself. The last few rnds just helped me to get up to 12 inches. I’m a fairly tight crocheter.
Rnd 1: 8 Sc in second Ch from Hk; join with Sl St in first Sc. (8 Sc)
Rnd 2: Ch3, Dc 4 times in same St as Sl St (base of Ch3), take hook out of loop and insert into first Dc made (top of Ch3), then back into the dropped loop. Pull the loop through the first Dc, Ch2, *Popcorn in next sc, Ch2*; Repeat from * to * 7 times. Join with Sl St in top of beg Ch3. Sl st to next Ch2 space.
(8 popcorn Sts, 8 Ch2 Sps)
Rnd 3: Ch1, Sc in same St as Sl St, Ch5, Sc in same Sp, *Ch4, Sc in next Ch2 Sp,Ch4, Sc in next Ch2 Sp, Ch5, Sc in same Sp.* Repeat from * to * 3 times. Ch4, Sc in next Ch2 Sp, Ch4, Sl St in first Sc and in next Ch5 Sp. ( 8 Ch4 Sps, 4 Ch5 Sps)
Rnd 4: Ch1, Sc in same Sp as Sl St 7 times, * (4 Sc in next Ch4 Sp) 2 times, 7 Sc in next Ch5 Sp.* Repeat from * to * 3 times. (4 Sc in next Ch4 Sp) 2 times, Sl St in first Sc. ( 60 Sc)
Rnd 5: Ch1, Sc in same St as Sl St, Ch3, Skip next 2 Sc, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Sc, * (Ch3, skip next 2 Sc, Sc in next Sc) 4 times, Ch3, Skip next 2 Sc, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Sc.* Repeat from * to * 3 times. (Ch3, skip next 2 Sc, Sc in next Sc) 3 times, Ch3, Sl St in first Sc and in next Ch3 Sp. ( 24 Ch3 Sps)
Rnd 6: Ch1, Sc in same Sp as Sl St, Ch3, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Ch3 Sp (corner), * (Ch3, Sc in next Ch3 Sp) 5 times, Ch3, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Ch3 Sp (corner).* Repeat from * to * 3 times, (Ch3, Sc in next Ch3 Sp) 4 times, Ch3, Sl St in first Sc and in next Ch3 Sp. (28 Ch3 Sps)
Rnd 7: Ch1, Sc in same Sp as Sl St, Ch3, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Ch3 Sp (corner),*(Ch3, Sc in next Ch3 Sp) 6 times, Ch3, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Ch3 Sp (corner).*Repeat from * to * 3 times,(Ch3, Sc in next Ch3 Sp) 5 times, Ch3, Sl St in first Sc and in next Ch3 Sp. ( 32 Ch3 Sps)
Rnd 8: Ch1, Sc in same Sp as Sl st, Ch2, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Ch3 Sp (corner),*(Ch2, Sc in next Ch3 Sp) 7 times,Ch2, (Sc,Ch3, Sc) in next Ch3 Sp (corner).* Repeat from * to * 3 times,(Ch2, Sc in next Ch3 Sp) 6 times, Ch2, Sl St in first Sc and in next Ch2 Sp.(4 Ch3 Sps, 32 Ch2 Sps)
Rnd 9: Ch1, 3 Sc in same Sp as Sl St, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Ch3 Sp (corner),
*(3 Sc in nextCh2 Sp) 8 times, (Sc, Ch3, Sc) in next Ch3 Sp (corner).* Repeat from * to * 3 times, (3 Sc in next Ch2 Sp) 7 times, Sl St in first Sc and in next Sc.
(104 Sc, 4 Ch3 Sps)
Rnd 10: Ch4, Dc in same St as Sl St, skip next 2 Sc, Shell in next Ch3 Sp (corner), *(skip next 2 sc, V-St in next Sc) 8 times, skip next 2 Sc, Shell in next Ch3 Sp (corner).* Repeat from * to * 3 times, (skip next 2 Sc, V-St in next Sc) 7 times, skip next 2 sc, Sl St in 3rd Ch of the 4 at beg of rnd and in next Ch1 Sp(in middle of V-St). (32 V-Sts, 4 Shells)
Rnd 11:Ch3, FPDC around next Dc, skip next 2 Dc, Shell in Shell (corner), *skip next 2 Dc,(FPDC around Next Dc, Dc in next Ch1 Sp, FPDC around next Dc) 8 times (repeat parenthesis 1 time for each V-St), skip next 2 Dc, Shell in Shell (corner).* Repeat from * to * 3 times, skip next 2 Dc, (FPDC around next Dc, Dc in next Ch1 Sp, FPDC around next Dc) 7 times, FPDC around next Dc, Sl St in in top of Ch3.
(32 Dc, 64 FPDC, 4 Shells. Dcs in Shells is not included in count)
Rnd 12: Ch3, Dc in same St as Sl St, FPDC around next Dc, Dc in next 2 Dc, Shell in Shell (corner), * Dc in next 2 Dc, FPDC around next Dc, (2 Dc in next Dc, FPDC 2 Tog) 7 times, 2 Dc in next Dc, FPDC around next Dc, Dc in next 2 Dc, Shell in Shell (corner).* Repeat from * to * 3 times, Dc in next 2 Dc, FPDC around next Dc, (2 Dc in next Dc, FPDC 2 Tog) 7 times, Sl St in top of Ch3. ( 80 Dc, 28 FPDC2Tog, 8 FPDC,4 Shells. Dcs in Shells is not included in count )
Rnd 13: Ch3, Dc in next Dc, FPDC around next Dc, Dc in next 4 Dc, Shell in Shell (corner), *Dc in next 4 Dc, (FPDC around next Dc, Dc in next 2 Dc)9 times, Dc in next 2 Dc, Shell in Shell (corner).* Repeat from * to * 3 times, Dc in next 4 Dc, (FPDC around next Dc, Dc in next 2 Dc) 7 times, FPDC around next Dc, Sl St in top of Ch3. (96 Dc, 36 FPDC, 4 Shells. Dcs in Shells is not included in count)
Rnd 14: Ch1, Sc in same St as Sl St, and in next 8 Dc, (Sc in next Ch, Ch2, Sc in next Ch) for corner,*Sc in next 37 Dc, (Sc in next Ch, Ch2, Sc in next Ch) for corner.* Repeat from * to *3 times, Sc in next 28 Dc, Sl St in first Sc.(156 Sc including Sc in corners)
Rnd 15: Ch1, Sc in same St as Sl St and in next 9 Sc, (Sc in next Ch, Ch2, Sc in next Ch) for corner, *Sc in next 39 Dc, (Sc in next Ch, Ch2, Sc in next Ch) for corner.* Repeat from * to * 3 times, Sc in next 29 Sc, Sl St in first Sc and in next Sc. (164 Sc including Sc in corners, 4 Ch2 Sps)
Rnd 16: Ch1, Sc in same St as Sl St, (Ch2, skip next Sc, Sc in next Sc)4 times,
Ch2, (Sc, Ch2,Sc) in next Ch2 Sp (corner), *(Ch2, skip next Sc, Sc in next Sc) 20 times, Ch2, (Sc, Ch2, Sc)in next Ch2 Sp (corner).* Repeat from * to *3 times,
(Ch2, skip next Sc, Sc in next Sc)15 times, Ch2, Sl St in next sc and in next Ch2 Sp.(88 Ch2 Sps including Corner Ch2 Sps)
Note: Beg. Cluster is used only once (at the beginning of Rnd 17.).
Rnd 17: Ch2, Yo and insert hook in same Sp as Sl St, Yo and pull up a loop, Yo and draw through 2 loops on hook; Repeat 1 more time. Yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook (Beg Cluster),(Ch1, Cluster in next Ch2 Sp) 4 times, Ch1, (Cluster, Ch3, Cluster) in next Ch2 Sp (corner), *(Ch1, Cluster in next Ch2 Sp) 21 times, Ch1,(Cluster, Ch3, Cluster) in next Ch2 Sp (corner)*.Repeat from * to * 3 times, (Ch1, Cluster in next Ch2 Sp) 16 times, Ch1, Sl St in top of Cluster.
(92 Clusters including corner Clusters, 4 Ch3 Sps)
Rnd 18: Ch1, Sc in same St as Sl St, and in next 10 Sts, 5 Sc in corner Ch3 Sp, *Sc in next 45 Sts, 5 Sc in corner Ch3 Sp.* Repeat from * to * 3 times, Sc in next 34 Sts, Sl St in last Sc.(200 Sc)
Rnd 19: Ch1, Sc in same St as Sl St, and in next 12 Sc, (Hdc, Ch2, Hdc) in next Sc (middle Sc of 5 Sc in corner), *Sc in next 49 Sc, (Hdc, Ch2, Hdc) in next Sc (middle Sc of 5 Sc in corner).* Repeat from * to *3 times,Sc in next 36 Sc,Sl St in last Sc. Fasten Off Yarn and
Weave in ends.
This Pattern is copyrighted to Julee Reeves, September 10th, 2008. Pattern is for personal (gifts and that sort of thing) and charity use only. If you are interested in selling any of the items made from this pattern please contact me. Permission is required before selling any items made from any of my patterns.If permission to sell the finished item is granted it may not be sold online (only at craft fairs, farmers markets, Etc. ) and it may not be sold in Idaho or Montana (without my express permission).
Copies of this and any of my other patterns MAY NOT be sold under any conditions.
Thank you
Julee Reeves (J.R. Designs)
That's really pretty, Julee--thanks for putting the pattern on your blog. (from Amanda)
Thanks and your welcome!! Hope you enjoy it!!
This is beautiful and I want to thank you for sharing!
Julee, I love this pattern and have made 2 of them. Thank you for being so generous and sharing it.
Thank you so much for posting this pattern. I am going to try to do the Ravelry 2009 and 2010 Block a Month at the same time. So again thank you!
Hey there,
Dragonsinger has added their version of your project on crafty community Cut Out + Keep and we thought you might like to see how it turned out.
You can see their version and also import your original project here:
Crafterella :)
Julee, I would like to add this to a voting list for 2011 Block a Month CAL. I clicked the link and got the beautiful pattern but it will not allow the picture to post.
First of you mind if you pattern is used this way. I think it would draw crocheters to your site. Let me know if you do not want it posted.
Thanks in advance.
This is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE patterns.
Thank you for sharing.
Julee,I am so glad to see new patterns, keep them coming please, you have the most beautiful imagination...I love to crochet your stuff, and hoping to get back into knitting soon!
It is beautiful! Thank you
Is there any diagram to this that you can share?
Hi from Georgia!!
You have done a pretty design...and for FREE!! I want to thank you!!
Hi, I was doing fine until row 12, is there a video tutorial that I could watch?
I Love the square and I am wanting to grow out of basic stitches. This looks like some code from whatever? Anyway, a lot of us want to crochet more complicated things but would love a tutorial by video. We can learn new stitches by doing. I am frustrated by even looking at basic stitch directions on paper so complicated ones--- well???...There are those of us that learn and do
better the visual way...
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